“The Montessori approach assumes that we are all born intelligent, we simply learn in different ways and progress at our own individual pace. At Waikato Montessori Education Centre children learn through hands-on experience and investigation. A complete Montessori curriculum is provided in a calm, respectful environment.”
We respect that an important responsibility parents have, is to make decisions to determine the best environment in which to place their child at this most sensitive time in their development.
The values and experiences presented to the child now will have the greatest influence on shaping their character as an adult. Everything they are exposed to will create an impression in their mind and Montessori supports this in the most positive way.
We aim to support parents in this decision-making role with an offering geared to the development of your child’s natural human tendencies and developing characteristics.
We are committed to developing an educational experience you and your child will cherish forever. One that prepares your child fully for their future; where your child’s unique talents are awakened and nurtured; where you feel involved and your contribution is valued. This Montessori Centre will deliver lasting value for you and your child, throughout the Waikato and Hamilton community. We have researched approaches in Montessori schools for a number of years, both in New Zealand and internationally. At this time we believe we have created a Montessori programme which will demonstrate how Montessori is unique in the world of education, how Montessori deals holistically with developmental stages and places no limits on
a child’s potential in any area.
Using good judgement and being able to take responsibility for our choices is a skill that is developed by experience and is one of the fundamental principles that is embedded in all our programmes, even from 3 years old. Our approach to life and our personality is developed at such a young age; our Montessori programmes are here to support the growth in academic and authentic character development through all these childhood years.
“Today, more than ever before, we each need to be able to think deeply and independently, and to be able to make effective decisions so we can positively contribute to our rapidly changing times for the better of all humanity.”
Children will have access to a full academic curriculum, have the benefit of a large outdoor environment, and will be embraced with respect and modelled etiquette. The values used in our Montessori programme help to create a community where friendships are valued and communication is open. You will always be welcome to ask questions and request information.
We belong to national and international networks within the Montessori community and aspire to be a world class school. We have stable and committed educational leadership and will continue to achieve our goals with the ongoing support of you all.
Parents who are first considering Montessori often have many questions, we hope we have provided information to help you decide if we are a good match for what you are looking for. Our goal is to help every prospective family make the best decision possible about their child’s long term education. A decision to enrol a child should be based on the parents’ and school’s mutual belief that this will be a good fit for the family’s values and goals. We look forward to working in partnership with you as your child discovers the joy of learning in the Montessori way. We welcome your application for enrolment and encourage you to ask about any questions you may have.
Diane Bhana
What we do
Our Programmes
About Us
Montessori Values
Montessori Outcomes

A child passing through all our Montessori programmes has the best chance of emerging as a strong young adult. They will:
be able to make up their own mind,
take their place in society as a responsible member,
make choices and think independently,
understand consequences of their actions and decisions,
have some idea of their own life’s mission and be able to start to work towards this.
Maria Montessori

Maria Montessori was born on the 31st August 1870 in the town of Chiaravalle, Italy. Her father, Alessandro, was an accountant in the civil service, and her mother, Renilde Stoppani, was a well-educated woman who loved to read. In 1875 the Montessori family moved to Rome and in 1876 Maria was enrolled in the local state school on the Via di San Nicolo da Tolentino. As her education progressed, she began to break through the barriers which constrained women’s careers.
Montessori Alumni

Montessori offers an education for a lifetime love of learning – and with that come the skills needed to succeed in every facet of our ever-changing global society